I just received an email from the owner of the building where I practice. It seems highly likely that other tenants have tested positive for the novel coronavirus. They are santizing all areas of the building where those tenants have been, but to be cautious, I am closing my practice for the rest of the duration of Governor Newsom’s shelter in place order.
Starting today, I will be suspending the payments of Secret Handshake Members’ ongoing payments. If you have been charged this month already, I will create a session credit for you to redeem when I restart my practice.
As many of you know, bodywork is my primary source of income, and I have to admit, I am scared for my future financial situation, as I am so sure that many of you also are. Please know we are all in this together, and that through the compassion and lovingkindness and determination of each other, we will emerge from this as a more kind and loving community.
Be safe, stay healthy, practice self-care.
Yours in service,
Paul Brown, CMT