Saying Yes

One of my New Year’s resolutions this year was to say yes to more things.

Last week at about 330 on Friday morning, I got up to let my dog out to P, and I was standing in the backyard and I saw a shooting star. I immediately spread my arms wide and turned my face up to the sky and “open“ my emotional self to receive whatever my subconscious was about to tell me. About 30 seconds later, I thought a second shooting star, and the idea came into my head that I need to be putting more energy into my Bodywork practice.

Yesterday, I was treating one of my clients, and I said to him, “you know, we really should start seeing you once a week for the next several weeks so we can do some deeper work in your shoulders.”

He agreed, and starting this coming Saturday, I will be seeing him once a week on Saturday mornings for an hour, which is a tremendous increase in the number of sessions that I normally see with him during a month. I like to attribute this change in perspective to the fact that I allowed myself to be still in the middle of the night and listen to what my brain was saying to me. And then I said yes to it.

Pay attention toon to what your subconscious mind is telling you, and do t be afraid to say YES.

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