Tag: rotator cuff

  • Recover from Rotator Cuff injury

    Recover from Rotator Cuff injury

    The dreaded words no one wants to hear, “you’ve got a rotator cuff tear,” but what is that and what can be done about it? You don’t have to hurt.

    What is the Rotator Cuff?

    Rotator cuff injury
    Rotator cuff muscles. Image by O. Chaigasame

    The rotator cuff is comprised of four muscles that help the shoulder turn on various axises as well stabilize the ball and socket that is the glenohumeral joint. the four muscles are:

    These densely textured muscles provide the majority of the torque for starting medial and lateral rotation, abduction, as well as continuing to provide a lesser amount of torque as the larger muscles that are the synergists take over the majority of the action. Additionally, they hold the head of humerus (the ball) in the glenoid fossa (the socket) to keep the joint stable. Without them, other muscles not as evolved for the job must be recruited to help. So you can see why they are so important, and the kinds of problems that emerge when they are injured.

    Even when they are not performing their skeletal action, they are still eccentrically contracting for stability, so even when they aren’t acting, they’re acting! Such divas!

    What is a rotator cuff tear?

    A tear in the rotator cuff is an injury of the tendons that attaches the muscles to the head of the humerus. It can be a partial or complete tear. The most common injury is the supraspinatus tendon near to where it attaches to the humerus, then an infraspinatus tendon, then a dual supra- and infra- spinatus tear. Less common are tears of the teres minor and subscapularis.

    Signs of a rotator cuff tear

    Shoulder pain is the first sign, especially in the front of the shoulder; difficulty raising the arm and reaching behind are also signs. The pain will most likely be worsened during those actions. For me as a massage therapist, the torn tendon can, with careful touch, be palpated. And while MTs cannot diagnose, we can and should strongly advise seeking medical care.

    Treatment of rotator cuff injuries

    Depending on the severity of the tear, treatment can range from NSAIDS all the way up to surgery to repair the tendon, with physical therapy to retrain the shoulder.

    How can massage help?

    Massage can be a helpful and effective adjunct in the treatment of shoulder injuries. During the immediate post-operative period, light soothing massage can help reduce pain and anxiety, and some gentle full body joint mobilization will also deepen the relaxation process, which can help in making the perception of pain decrease. A calmer and more present-centered mind will help make the healing process more manageable, and massage can help make that happen. While the shoulder is early parts off the healing process, massage on that shoulder is contraindicated.

    Massage is an important adjunct to physical therapy. Being in consultation with the patient’s PT is the best way to tailor your treatment strategy for them . The primary post-surgical massage treatment for rotator cuff tears is Myofasci al Release. Getting the fascia to release while physical therapy is happening will increase the effectiveness of the PT, and will help the tendons affected heal faster.

    I really like listening to my clients, it feels important to let the space be about listening: to their breath, but also to the fascia. Very gentle effleurage, like a whisper, while listening to the superficial fascia: they are the herald of their brethren. If you listen really carefully with your twelve ears the superficial fascia will conspiratorially share their secrets.

    They key is to work at the level of the strategic herald, while evaluating what that level is, and matching via therapeutic present-centeredness. I meet the client/patient where ever they are, don’t try to impose any particular therapeutic strategy, as their needs change from session to session.

    You Don’t Have To Hurt

    The best defense against a rotator cuff tear is self-care: rest, nutrition, stretching, strength training, and bodywork. And while I can’t ensure you get those first four items, I can provide the fifth: the best massage therapy in Sacramento. Because like I always say, “You don’t have to hurt”

  • Shoulder Pain, Part 2: Supraspinatus

    Shoulder Pain, Part
    2: The Tricksy Supraspinatus

    Did you know that the most commonly injured rotator cuff muscle is
    the small but mighty supraspinatus?
    It’s true.  Because of how the muscle is located on the body and in
    relationship to the acromial clavicular joint and the humerus, it’s
    often caught in a scissor-like pincing and can be torn pretty easily.

    the supraspinatus can be the source of referred pain in the shoulder
    and elbow, sometimes masking as lateral epicondylitis, or tennis
    elbow.  But as we will see, the tricksy supraspinatus is a naughty

    and Symptoms

    in the front of the shoulder, the lateral epicondyle are both signs
    that the supraspinatus muscle may be involved.  Also, if you have
    difficulty with tasks that involve holding the arms up, like riding a
    bike, folding laundry, raking, or other activities, the supraspinatus
    could be involved.  Finally, if you hold your smartphone with the
    hand of your affected arm, like playing pokemon go, for instance, or
    lots of texting, the supraspinatus would be implicated.  As you can
    see, this a muscle that gets involved with a lot of actions!


    you can see in the diagram, the supraspinatus originates in the
    medial side of the supraspinus fossa, the “basin” at the top of
    the scapula, directly superior to the spine of the scapula.  From
    there, it moves laterally, diving under the spine and clavicle at the
    AC joint, where it attaches onto the greater tubercle of the humerus
    bone.  It’s action is the abduct the ball and socket joint of the
    shoulder.  Also, it helps stabilize the shoulder joint.  So you can
    see that the supraspinatus does a lot.

    Pain Patterns

    can see the referred pain patterns in red, and the corresponding
    trigger points.  The first illustration, the most lateral trigger
    point causes a deep aching tenderness right at the point of the
    trigger point.  In the second, the trigger points in the muscle belly
    can also cause the shoulder joint pain, but also the pain in the
    lateral epicondyle, which is where the muscles of the back of the
    forearm (posterior compartment) attach onto the outside of the upper
    arm, just above the elbow.  It can also have radiating pain from
    shoulder toward elbow, or elbow toward wrist.


    best treatment for supraspinatus trigger points is deep focused
    trigger point massage by a qualified massage therapist, physical
    therapist, chiropractor, osteopath or physician.  There are some self
    treatments, but it can be difficult to access the muscle due to it’s
    inconvenient location.  But if you have a self-care tool like a
    theracane or back knobber, you can get pinpoint pressure right where
    it’s needed.

    course, a therapeutic bodyworker is also going to know the other
    muscles that could potentially be involved with shoulder or elbow
    pain, so if you can, book an appointment to get the thorough care you

    If you are experiencing shoulder or elbow pain, please call me at 916-534-8772 or book online anytime.

    You can be pain free and feel great!

  • Shoulder Pain, Part 1: Infraspinatus

    The Wizard of Pain – the Mighty Infraspinatus

    “it feels like a deep ache in my shoulder joint.”

    If you are an anatomy nerd like me, hearing a client say that is
    both empathetic and exciting.  Empathy, because I’ve had that
    particular shoulder pain before, and exciting, because it’s very
    often caused by easily accessible trigger points in the back of the
    shoulder.  Let’s begin:

    The infraspinatus muscle (IS) is one of the four rotator cuff
    muscles, along with the supraspinatis,
    teres minor.

    The IS is a thick short muscle that externally rotates the ball
    and socket of the shoulder joint.  It also helps to stabilize the
    shoulder socket when our shoulder is flexed – that is, our arms are
    extend out in front of our body – like when we are typing on a
    keyboard or looking at our smartphones, or playing the piano, or any
    other number of tasks we do in our daily activities.

    It’s easy for this muscle to become overworked or overloaded,
    which leads to myofascial trigger points, or just trigger
    points for short.  Trigger points are characterized by being
    “exquisitely tender”
    hard nodule in a muscle or tendon.  When you touch it, it hurts, and
    often you’ll feel pain in a distant area as well.  In the case of the
    IS muscle,  referred pain can feel like a deep ache in
    the shoulder joint
    front of the shoulder, sometimes all the way down to the pinky


    Massage is one of
    the most effective methods of treating Infraspinatus Trigger Points.
    A trained massage therapist can locate, treat, and eliminate them
    quickly and easily, and the satellite trigger points that can
    sometimes develop in the anterior deltoid and other places.  

    Get a tennis ball
    and put it all the way deep in a sock.  Tie a knot in the sock tight
    up against the tennis ball.  Now you have a self-massage tool you can
    use to massage Infraspinatus Trigger Points.   Find a tender point in
    the lower part of the shoulder blade, use the ball to apply pressure
    to it while leaning into the ball against a wall.  Press and hold for
    60-90 seconds, or until you feel the tender point diminish in
    tenderness.    You’ll feel relief in the deep shoulder pain almost

    So if you are experiencing the deep shoulder pain, give me a call at 916-534-8772 or book online.

  • Shoulder Pain, Part 3: Subscapularis

    Subscapularis – The Deep Trickster

    Pitching a ball, writing your name, playing tennis, skiing, using a shovel, typing on the keyboard, anything that brings the arm in front of the body engages with the subscapularis. This deep rotator cuff muscle is often overlooked as a source of shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand pain. But getting to know this tricky muscle can be a great help dealing with and eliminating your pain!

    You can see the subscapularis – it originates on the anterior surface of the scapula in the subscapular fossa, and inserts on the humerus bone. It’s action is to medially rotate, or internal rotation, of the shoulder joint. It also helps with adduction, or bringing the arm against the body. But as it is also a rotator cuff, it helps to stabilize the shoulder joint.

    When the subscapularis is tight, reaching over your head can be difficult or impossible. Rotating the arm outward can also be reduced and affected. A person who spends much of their day typing into a computer, or other repetitive job where the arms are held in front of the body for long periods of time, are likely to have some dysfunction, like trigger points or scarring or tearing, of the subscapularis.

    Pain can be sharp and felt in the shoulder, at the top of the shoulder, or deeper inside. There can also be numbness or tingling in the shoulder, down the arm, and into the hand and wrist, as the restrictions of the subscapularis can cause impingement of the brachial nerve.

    Fortunately, massage therapy can make a great difference by eliminating tightness, and restoring greater range of motion and freedom from pain.

    The subscapularis is best accessed with the client in sidelying position with the client’s arm in a relaxed posture. By placing one hand onto the ribs just inferior to the scapula, and then gently moving the shoulder and arm inferiorly over that hand, you can easily and comfortable access the subscapularis and effect muscle release. Results can be seen usually fairly quickly, with some improvement in shoulder function right away, usually between 1 and 5 treatments.

    If you are experiencing restricted shoulder motion, or pain, massage can be a great way to help!  Book a session and get the relief you need!

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