
Recover from Rotator Cuff injury

The dreaded words no one wants to hear, “you’ve got a rotator cuff tear,” but what is that and what can be done about it? You don’t have to hurt. What is the Rotator Cuff? The rotator cuff is comprised of four muscles that help the shoulder turn on various axises as well stabilize the ball and socket that is the glenohumeral joint. the four muscles are: These densely textured muscles provide the majority of…

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anatomy massage

Shoulder Pain, Part 2: Supraspinatus

Shoulder Pain, Part 2: The Tricksy Supraspinatus Did you know that the most commonly injured rotator cuff muscle is the small but mighty supraspinatus? It’s true.  Because of how the muscle is located on the body and in relationship to the acromial clavicular joint and the humerus, it’s often caught in a scissor-like pincing and can be torn pretty easily. Also, the supraspinatus can be the source of referred pain in the shoulder and elbow,…

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